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Create New User

Create New User/ Sign Up  is used to create new user accounts.

  1. Create New User or Sign Up
    1. "Create New User" is used in a scenario where the system administrator creates the login details for a user.
    2. When a user is created, they are assigned access to use the system based on role "All Users".
  2. The "Create New User/ Sign Up" form shows the "Username and Password" requirements. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. The "Security Question" and "Answer" is required.  This is used to validate employee details at Password Recovery .
  3. Once the user account has been created an email notification is sent to the user with the registration details.


  1. When a user account is created from the login page, the two-factor authentication is enabled. Users will need to use the email 2FA when logging into the system. 
  2. When a user account is created from menu "Global Administration -> Create New User", the two-factor authentication can be disabled.

 Figure 1: Create New User/ Sign Up